Update on China CVD’s (ITC Decision)
For Immediate Release
Paul Nathanson
January 23, 2019
(202) 828-1714
The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) today voted 5 to 0 to affirm allegations of injury to Cambria LLC from imports of quartz surface products from China. The Commission voted to deny Cambria’s request for duties to be imposed on its competition retroactively.
The American Quartz Worker Coalition issued the following statement regarding today’s vote:
“We are disappointed in the ITC’s decision today to find injury in this case. The enormous and vibrant U.S. quartz industry has prospered on the strength of unprecedented consumer demand for quartz countertops across the country while providing tens of thousands of jobs for hard-working Americans. These jobs include fabricators, importers, distributors, installers, designers—as well as domestic quartz producers just like Cambria.
We appreciate the ITC’s decision not to impose retroactive duties via a ‘critical circumstances’ ruling, which would have had a devastating impact on much of the U.S. quartz industry, sending many American companies into bankruptcy and causing the termination of many hard-working American workers. We are also heartened that the ITC today found that fabricators are part of the domestic industry despite Cambria’s concerted efforts to deny them standing in this case.
Nevertheless, the U.S. quartz industry’s struggle to prevent Cambria from stifling competition is far from over, as we now turn to Cambria’s efforts to eliminate imported quartz products from Turkey and India. At the end of the day, Cambria’s litigious behavior means higher prices and limited choice for American consumers seeking to upgrade their kitchen and bathroom countertops, as well as uncertain prospects for U.S. companies seeking to provide quality quartz products to their customers.”
Link to website: https://savequartzjobs.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/ITC-Vote-Statement.pdf